Wednesday September 28, 2022 at 9am PT | 12pm ET

Hiring Remotely: Should you base salaries on location?

Stanislaw Kolarzowski

COO, Pilot

In the era of remote work, your pool of talent has become infinite, which gives a lot of opportunities for hiring overseas to find quality workers. But hiring remotely brings many challenges, including raising the question of compensating remote workers.Managers are figuring out an equitable way to compensate employees spread across the world who are often on the move. If you have two people doing the same job but in different countries, HR can struggle to determine appropriate compensation and face difficulties with steep conversion fees.In this webinar, we will touch on all of these things and offer workable and equitable solutions to these difficult issues.

Online Webinar

    • We’ll answer questions like

    • Should I pay my contractors overseas the same as in the US?

    • Should I base salaries primarily on experience, skills or location?

    • How to calculate fair and competitive pay for remote workers

      • You’ll learn

      • Strategies for determining salaries in remote companies

      • Pros and cons of location-based pay

      • Pros and cons of location-independent pay

      • Methods for calculating salaries

      • About payroll tools without hidden fees and conversion markups

      • How industry leaders tackle these problems

      • How to make optimal and fair compensation plans

        • Speakers

        • Stanislaw Kolarzowski is the COO and co-founder of Pilot. He’s a remote work and international hiring expert, with over 12 years of experience scaling global distributed teams.

          Pilot takes care of payroll, benefits, and compliance for remote teams. Backed by Sam Altman, Y Combinator, Credo Ventures, and other investors, we’re on a mission to help US companies build global teams and care for them equitably.