
An Easier Way to Hire and Onboard Employees: Pilot’s Hiring Page

Pilot's new hiring page introduces a guided, step-by-step hiring and onboarding flow for employers and their new hires.

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Plane Team

Once you find a candidate whom you want to hire, it should be very quick and easy to draft and send them an offer letter that they will—fingers crossed!—accept. Especially in today’s competitive market, where candidates often receive multiple offers at once, you don’t want your weeks or even months of recruiting efforts to be waylaid by a slow hiring and onboarding process.To speed up and clarify this process, we’ve launched a new Hiring page that features a guided hiring and onboarding flow. This step-by-step flow makes the process clear, quick, and user-friendly for both companies and their new employees--from creating the offer letter to contract signature and onboarding.Along with the new Hiring page come several new features:

Real-time estimated employer payroll tax calculations

Typically, when working with a global employer of record (EOR), you need to manually send your tentative hire’s proposed salary to the EOR and wait for them to reply with the estimated tax calculations. Then, you need to review their calculations and edit the salary as needed, requiring more back-and-forth communications. We now enable you to view and approve real-time tax calculations, eliminating the need for time-consuming communications.

View compensation amounts by pay period, including bonuses

When reviewing your new hire’s compensation, you’ll clearly see how much they'll be paid annually and by pay period, depending on your chosen pay frequency, and in both their preferred currency and in USD (please note that if the employee is paid in a non-USD currency, the USD amounts are an approximation and will depend on the currency exchange rate at the time of payment).You'll also see bonuses, such as 13th and 14th month bonus amounts. If anything needs to be adjusted, you can easily edit the compensation to your preferred amount.

Preview the exact offer letter that the candidate receives

Based on the information that you input into the hiring and onboarding flow, Pilot will generate an offer letter for you. You’ll be able to preview the exact offer letter that your candidate will see, helping to eliminate any confusion between you or your candidate about what exactly the offer letter says.

Guided onboarding for your new hire, too

Not only will your company experience a guided process to add and onboard employees, but your new hires will also have a clear understanding of where they are in the onboarding process and what to expect next. They’ll receive step-by-step instructions on how to get set up on Pilot and will be prompted to complete tasks such as providing their address and residency information.

Who is this feature available for?

The new hiring and onboarding flow is available for all Pilot administrators and managers and for the employees that they hire, anywhere in the world.

I’m already onboarding someone. Will they be moved into the new Hiring page?

Congrats on your new hire! You can continue to manage their onboarding process by visiting their profile page. Only new employees added after this launch will be visible in and managed through the Hiring page.Interested in learning more? Please see our help articles on How to hire and onboard an employee and, for new hires, How to set up my account on Pilot.


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